The Norwood Park Fire Protection District has a Fire Prevention Bureau that works to prevent the loss of life from fire and hazards. The bureau inspects all commercial businesses once a year, and high hazard buildings such as schools, and nursing homes and indoor malls twice a year. The inspection is done to check for life safety hazards as well as fire hazards.
The Norwood Park Fire Protection District covers 2 municipalities, Norridge and Harwood Heights, as well as an unincorporated area of Norwood Park Township. The Fire Protection District works closely with the individual building departments and building commissioners from each town. International Fire Code version 2009 and Life Safety code N.F.P.A. 101 version 2000 as well as amendments to the individual codes are followed.
2010 Chevrolet Tahoe Fire Prevention Bureau Squad 112
The Fire Prevention Bureau also conducts post fire investigations to find cause and origin of all fires. The Fire Protection District has 2 certified fire investigators on staff, as well as the use of M.A.B.A.S. Division 20 mutual aid for additional fire investigators as needed.
Plan review of all new buildings are done through the individual municipality as well as the Fire Prevention Bureau. During the plan review process all fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems and any other extinguishment systems are reviewed for code compliance. Fire resistance, egresses and exit lighting/emergency lighting is also reviewed. Site inspections during construction are conducted, as well as final acceptance testing is done to all fire pumps, alarm systems, and sprinkler systems. Final occupancy inspections are completed after all acceptance testing has been completed and found to be in compliance.
When fire inspections are conducted, any violations that are found are brought to the attention of the business owner or designee at the time of inspection. 30 days are given to be brought back to compliance, which at that time a re-inspection is conducted. All violations still not brought up to compliance is then sent by certified mail to the owner of the business with a 14 day mandatory compliance order.