Swift water in our district?! Well sure! In addition to occasional floods, Firefighters have to be aware and prepared for their surroundings in all types of weather and emergency situations. For example, firefighting on property with an inground pool could potentially create dangers for firefighters if the pool is covered or not visible. Gear absorbs water by the gallon, and each gallon weighs about 8 pounds! How do you float with all of your gear? What do you do if the ground suddenly opens up into an 8-10 foot pool?
Using the Mont Clare Towers swimming pool off season offered us an opportunity to practice survival in this unexpected circumstance. Firefighters were able to practice falling in, floating and escaping a pool in full protective gear, and gain valuable insight and confidence in their ability to handle the emergency. Pictured are Deputy Chief Kovalcik, and firefighters Erlewein, Henmueller, and Unger.